Our Home Watch service provides absentee homeowners with peace of mind during extended stays away from their home. Snowbirds, vacationers, corporate executives, active seniors, and other homeowners can now take that extended trip without headaches or hassles. Now you can travel and not worry about coming home to any unwanted surprises or unscheduled maintenance on your home. Our services are tailored to the individual needs of each client, including single-point of contact for property maintenance, repairs, renovation, remodeling, and special projects.

Complete Home Watch Services While You’re Away

Full property inspections are performed inside and outside your property while you are away. Our Home Watch service is designed to offer complete management of all services that might occur in your absence. You will not have to worry about such things as the following:

  • Storm Damage
  • Vandalism
  • Forced Entry
  • Plumbing Failure & Flooding
  • Pest Invasion
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Malfunction
  • Door and Window Locks
  • Watering Interior Plants
  • Landscape Irrigation System
  • Trash & Recycle Cans
  • Refrigerator / Freezer Function
  • Mail, Flyers, Packages, Newspapers
  • And More

If a problem is detected that requires immediate attention, we’ll handle it for you and keep you informed.

Start Having Protection and Peace of Mind Today!

Contact us for more information. Call 480.538.1159

Home Watch Service in Scottsdale, Arizona